Why Some Biblical Books Only Resonate in Truly Difficult Times
If you were to edit Scripture, are there any parts you’d want to delete? Ask the casual reader of the Old Testament, and they might well pick the book of Nahum as an example.
If you were to edit Scripture, are there any parts you’d want to delete? Ask the casual reader of the Old Testament, and they might well pick the book of Nahum as an example.
It’s easy to let relationships slide. One day, we’ll be a better parent or friend. One day, we’ll figure out the whole God thing. One day, we’ll give to those in need. One day, we’ll mentor others. One day...
“The good life is built with good relationships.” - Robert Waldinger
We all have an invisible notecard that highlights our priorities. And we all make decisions based on what we value most.
Life does have meaning, but it needs to be lived in the right way. You can find value in everything you do, but you have to start by getting the big rocks, the greatest priorities, in the right order.