Why Is Giving God Glory the Best Way to Be Happy?
Do you enjoy giving God glory? Psalm 115 contrasts the living God, who is in heaven and does whatever pleases him, with lifeless idols made of silver and gold that cannot see, hear, speak, or walk.

Psalm 113-115
Today's Scripture Passage
A Few Thoughts to Consider
Do you enjoy giving God glory?
Psalm 115 contrasts the living God, who is in heaven and does whatever pleases him, with lifeless idols made of silver and gold that cannot see, hear, speak, or walk. The author of this psalm is unknown, and “commentators note the mixed literary forms in this psalm. It contains elements of both a lament and a hymn and appears to have been used liturgically in public prayer.”[1]
J.A. Motyer says, “More likely, but still only guesswork, a recent victory has been won, so credit might be given to the king or the army. The enemy, strong in its idols, may have taunted a people whose God is invisible.”[2] However, before getting to what the nations are doing, the psalmist says in verse 1: “Not to us, Lord, not to us, but to your name give glory because of your faithful love, because of your truth.”
Everyone gives glory to someone. There are two chief types of glory in Scripture: godly and fleshly. One has an everlasting heavenly mindset, while the other is earthly and finite. Sadly, many often love men's glory more than God's glory.
This fleshly glory is entirely self-centered and sinful. It is based on the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life. The more we have a heart that glorifies the flesh, the less we have a heart that glorifies God. To not give God the glory he deserves means you have erected another god in his place.