Where Is God in a World of Evil?
Sometimes, the evil in this world feels overwhelming... If God laughs at the futility of even the crudest forms of evil on earth, such as Hamas, imagine how he views the evil you face today.

Sometimes, the evil in this world feels overwhelming... If God laughs at the futility of even the crudest forms of evil on earth, such as Hamas, imagine how he views the evil you face today.
Real discipleship isn’t always about getting together with a group of men on Friday morning for breakfast (although it certainly can be). Real discipleship takes place in the micro-decisions of life. It’s a well-timed text, encouraging phone call, and random outing together on the lake.
Four qualities of close friends.
Being like Jesus and casting to disciples is where our Christian faith starts to come alive.
Discipleship is simply the process of becoming like Christ. And scripture shows us it is not merely a suggestion; it is a command.