TMCP 3: Being a Missional Christian In An Urban Environment? [Matt Hallam]
Helpful Resources: Tim Keller, Ray Bakke at, Bob Lupton, Amy Sherman’s book Kingdom Calling
Podcast: Play in a new window | Download
Helpful Resources: Tim Keller, Ray Bakke at, Bob Lupton, Amy Sherman’s book Kingdom Calling
Podcast: Play in a new window | Download
Life does have meaning, but it needs to be lived in the right way. You can find value in everything you do, but you have to start by getting the big rocks, the greatest priorities, in the right order.
Get the big things right! And if you get them right, the rest of your life will fall into place.
The difference between a life-giving discipline and a death-giving discipline is perspective.
The difference between a life-giving discipline and a death-giving discipline is perspective.