TMCP 185: Ryan Fields on the Importance of Catholicity

C. Ryan Fields (PhD, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is the senior pastor of Faith Evangelical Free Church in Acton, Massachusetts. Ryan grew up going to church but didn't know Jesus personally as Lord and Savior until high school; since his conversion to Christ, God has been at work in his life, teaching him what it means, slowly but surely, to live as a child of God rather than a slave to sin. His pastoral training included MDiv, ThM, and PhD studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He is ordained with the Evangelical Free Church of America and previously served as Associate Pastor at Creekside Community Church in Gainesville, FL. He is married to Emily, and together, they seek to serve the church and raise their three daughters (Penelope, Amelie, and Madeline).
Key Points
- Ryan's personal faith journey
- What is catholicity?
- How catholicity is different from Roman Catholicism?
- How this changes how we read Scripture
- How this reshapes our view of the church