TMCP 154: Eric Peterson on Mending Tough Relationships With a Parent
Have you ever had a hard conversation with one of your parents? Do you need to have one? If so, how do you do this with grace? In this episode, Eric Peterson shares the time he confronted his father, Eugue Peterson, about his workaholic tendencies.

Eric has a Bachelor of Arts in Theology from Whitworth University, Master of Divinity from Princeton Theological Seminary, and a Doctorate of Ministry from Portland Seminary at George Fox University.
Gaining a heart for ministry through Young Life in Maryland as a teenager, Eric went on to start a new club at a neighboring high school. He served for seven years as an Associate Pastor at Marine View Presbyterian Church in Tacoma. After that, Eric founded Colbert Presbyterian in 1997. He also has written three books: Wade In The Water, Letters to a Young Pastor (with Eugene H. Peterson), and Letters to a Young Congregation. Outside of CPC, Eric serves as an advisor for doctoral students at Portland Seminary, and as a trustee at Whitworth University.
Eric is married to Elizabeth, who is a Spiritual Director and Yoga Instructor. They have six children, and three grandchildren.
Episode Talking Points:
- Eric's relationship with his father
- Writing a letter to his dad
- Avoiding workaholism
- Being Present
- Operating in a social media age
- Guarding our souls