TMCP 121: David Lamb on The Emotions of God
How important are emotions for our walk with God? David Lamb believes they are very important and he shares why this is the case in this latest episode.

David T. Lamb is the Allan A. MacRae Professor of Old Testament and dean of faculty at Missio Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He previously worked in campus ministry with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship and has taught extensively in various crosscultural contexts. He is the author of God Behaving Badly, Righteous Jehu and His Evil Heirs, Prostitutes and Polygamists: A Look at Love, Old Testament Style, 1 and 2 Kings. in the Story of God Bible Commentary series, and The Historical Writings: Introducing Israel's Historical Literature (coauthored with Mark Leuchter).
Episode Talking Points:
- David's growing up years and coming to faith in Christ
- David's journey from an engineer to theology professor
- David's experience as a person who feels deeply and his faith tradition
- The "why" behind the book The Emotions of God
- Divine anger
- Jesus, the man of sorrows who weeps
- Stewarding emotions well
- Emotions in worship
Helpful Resources