The Daily Devotional
Is Your View of God Anchored in His Faithful Love? (Psalm 135-137)
Yes, we should worship God for what he does, but we must never lose sight of who he is.
The Daily Devotional
Yes, we should worship God for what he does, but we must never lose sight of who he is.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever felt hopeless when you think of the finality of death? If you’re like most, you try to avoid this topic. But in times of intense pain, as that suffered by Job, death is unavoidable.
The Daily Devotional
Do you treat sexual immorality seriously? In 1 Thessalonians 3, Paul expresses his deep concern for the faith of the Thessalonian believers during their trials and persecution.
The Daily Devotional
Are you in a position of leadership? Maybe you lead a small group, a Sunday School class, or kids ministry. If so, how well do you nurture those you lead?
The Daily Devotional
Do you struggle to get along with others? Maybe you have issues with your spouse, children, or those you work with. If so, what’s the key to having good relationships? Colossians 3 and 4 provide some answers.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever thought about what Christ’s supremacy means for your life? This is the central theme of the Book of Colossians.
The Daily Devotional
Do you struggle with anxiety? The Apostle Paul had much to say about this topic. In Philippians 3, he encourages believers to press forward with a renewed focus for the new year.
The Daily Devotional
Do you ever feel like God only asks you to commit to him without offering anything in return? Psalm 132, a Song of Ascents, was sung by pilgrims traveling to Jerusalem.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever hated your life so much that you wanted to die? This is where Job was at in Job 10.
The Daily Devotional
How do I live in unity with others? Philippians 2 gives us the answer.
The Daily Devotional
To engage in this battle effectively, we must be fully equipped with the armor of God.
The Daily Devotional
What fills most of your free time? The answer to this question reveals the true affections of your heart.