The Daily Devotional
What Will Be My Greatest Challenge in 2025?
It’s one thing to follow Christ for a day, a week, or even a few years. It's another thing to walk with him for a lifetime.
The Daily Devotional
It’s one thing to follow Christ for a day, a week, or even a few years. It's another thing to walk with him for a lifetime.
The Daily Devotional
The most important thing you can do to prepare yourself for Christ’s return is to get to know him as much as possible.
The Daily Devotional
God doesn’t need anything you have to offer him, but he does invite you to walk in loving relationship with him. So make that your aim today. Less doing to prove your worth to others and more loving as one who has been and remains deeply loved.
The Daily Devotional
Job’s story teaches us that it’s easy to lose all perspective, especially when we’re in pain. It’s especially difficult when those we love seem to be siding against us. Life just keeps getting harder and harder, and God keeps getting farther and farther away.
The Daily Devotional
Because God is the grand judge, this does two things for you. First, it releases you from the need to judge others. Second, it gives you total confidence when those you love enter eternity without any evidence of accepting Christ.
The Daily Devotional
Yes, you should debate. Yes, you should discuss. But never lose sight of the main point of the Book of Revelation. It’s to elevate Jesus and show that he is the worthy champion who has and will overcome.
The Daily Devotional
Don't let the bustle of the holidays cause you to lose sight of what's most important, and don't let the pain of past memories ruin the hope you have in Christ.
The Daily Devotional
Are you tempted to throw up your hands when you read the Book of Revelation? To many everyday Christians, Revelation feels overwhelming, confusing, and like a work of fiction.
The Daily Devotional
If you feel the pressure of life and the weight of following Christ, soak your mind in John’s words in Revelation. Guard against complacency and resolve to stand firm.
The Daily Devotional
God’s people can always trust that he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and great in faithful love. Regardless of how undeserving we feel, God's love and compassion are steadfast. He meets us where we are, not with condemnation but with kindness.
The Daily Devotional
Do you ever get angry with God when he doesn’t act as you’d like? This is the story of Job 29-37.
The Daily Devotional
In a spiritual sense, Christians fall into one of two categories—builders and destroyers. Those who lift others up and those who tear others down. This is a point made in the short Book of Jude.