The Daily Devotional
Preparing to Leave the Desert
While portions of Numbers might seem random or unrelated to our lives, we must not lose sight of where this book fits into the grand narrative of God’s redemptive plan.
The Daily Devotional
While portions of Numbers might seem random or unrelated to our lives, we must not lose sight of where this book fits into the grand narrative of God’s redemptive plan.
The Daily Devotional
The main themes of Leviticus 16 are atonement, purification, and reconciliation with God as the people commit to live in harmony with a holy God. The last half of Leviticus follows this commitment by highlighting the importance of holiness in all areas of life.
The Daily Devotional
Today, if your life feels shaky, take several minutes to meditate on Psalm 18 and take confidence in the reality that God is your rock. You can trust him, and he will not fail.
The Daily Devotional
In Proverbs 5, we looked at the importance of guarding against having an affair. So, in Proverbs 7, let’s adjust our approach and address the most pervasive form of adultery in marriages today—pornography.
The Daily Devotional
Do you long for more of God’s presence? Throughout Leviticus, we notice an emphasis on the presence of God. This presence is both wonderful and terrifying.
The Daily Devotional
At first glance, of all the books of the Bible, Leviticus seems like one to avoid. To the modern reader, the text seems archaic and irrelevant. But there is good reason to read Leviticus because it helps us understand the unchanging nature of God.
The Daily Devotional
What does the erecting of a tabernacle teach us about God and ourselves? After the Israelites renewed their commitment to God, they were commanded to build a tabernacle. As you read these chapters, you can’t help but notice the meticulous nature of this construction.
The Daily Devotional
Why do we put our hope in the wrong things? Exodus 32-34 gives us some answers with two stories: the golden calf and the radiant face of Moses
The Daily Devotional
Exodus 19-31 includes the Ten Commandments and a series of laws God gives his people. These include the so-called moral, civil, and ceremonial laws. Some were given to specific people at a specific time, while others were given as universal commands for humanity.
The Daily Devotional
Do you find sleep difficult when your conscience attacks you? According to Penn Medicine News, about 25% of Americans struggle with insomnia each year.
The Daily Devotional
What’s the difference between having sustainable rhythms and being lazy? Ask this question to individuals of different generations or ethnic backgrounds, and you’ll receive different answers.
The Daily Devotional
What’s the difference between asking God tough questions and grumbling? After God miraculously delivers the Israelites from Egypt, Exodus 15:24 says, “The people grumbled to Moses, ‘What are we going to drink?’”