The Daily Devotional
Just Say No
Do you have a hard time saying no? If you’re a natural people-pleaser, you’ll find this word borderline offensive. However, to follow God, there are times when no is the only appropriate answer.
The Daily Devotional
Do you have a hard time saying no? If you’re a natural people-pleaser, you’ll find this word borderline offensive. However, to follow God, there are times when no is the only appropriate answer.
The Daily Devotional
Do you feel like you’ve stopped growing as a Christian? There are three common reasons this happens. Either Christians stop studying God’s Word, stop obeying what they know is right, or stop sharing what they’ve learned with others.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever felt the weight of living in exile? That might sound like a puzzling question, but it’s certainly one the Israelites in the time of Ezra understood.
The Daily Devotional
Do you think of yourself as a missionary or missional person? For many in and outside the church today, the term missionary has negative connotations. However, God is a missional or sending God.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever looked at someone who seemingly has it all together, wants little to do with God, and thought, “Why can’t I have what they have?” This struggle of envy is certainly nothing new, and Proverbs 24 has something to say about it.
The Daily Devotional
Does the whole idea of “spiritual warfare” seem unbelievable to you? While fringe Christian groups sometimes hijack this term, it is a very Christian concept, especially emphasized in Daniel 10.
The Daily Devotional
Are you facing an ordeal? That might seem like a strange term, but it’s one that’s fitting for Daniel 6.
The Daily Devotional
When was the last time you had to make a stand for God at the expense of your own security? This was a choice the prophet Daniel had to make repeatedly throughout his life.
The Daily Devotional
Is there a situation in your life today that feels hopeless? In Ezekiel 37, God confronts the prophet Ezekiel with a seemingly hopeless proposition.
The Daily Devotional
What are the most critical needs you have in your life? While your list might be long, Ezekiel 36 reveals that every person has two basic needs.
The Daily Devotional
Do you think about God often? Unfortunately, many do their best to avoid this thought altogether. Even professing Christians often relegate God to an afterthought.
The Daily Devotional
How do you know the difference between working hard and working too much? As someone who had tremendous wealth, King Solomon had much to say on this topic.