The Daily Devotional
Look for the Overlooked
We live in a world where people have vast differences. And as is the case with many, the natural default is to gravitate towards our own group of people.
The Daily Devotional
We live in a world where people have vast differences. And as is the case with many, the natural default is to gravitate towards our own group of people.
The Daily Devotional
Jesus did not sit around and wait for disciples to come to him. He went to where they were, offered them an invitation to follow him, evaluated their progress, and then selected them to be his twelve apostles.
The Daily Devotional
Real discipleship isn’t always about getting together with a group of men on Friday morning for breakfast (although it certainly can be). Real discipleship takes place in the micro-decisions of life. It’s a well-timed text, encouraging phone call, and random outing together on the lake.
The Daily Devotional
Being like Jesus and casting to disciples is where our Christian faith starts to come alive.
The Daily Devotional
Discipleship is simply the process of becoming like Christ. And scripture shows us it is not merely a suggestion; it is a command.
The Daily Devotional
Discipleship is coming alongside others and helping them follow Jesus as you follow Jesus.
The Daily Devotional
Close friendships work when two people have a set of shared values and the desire to build a relationship is a two-way street.
The Daily Devotional
Close friendships are in short supply, and even if others don’t appreciate your efforts at first, in time, they will, and you will.
The Daily Devotional
True companionship between human beings requires time, effort, and patience. It is not simply a matter of fleeting encounters but of nurturing a relationship that lasts.
The Daily Devotional
Close friendships are more like chapters we pencil into an outline. They are only with us for a season until someone turns the page. Some friendships last for decades–others only a few years.
The Daily Devotional
Several years ago, during a tough season in our lives, Janan and I developed five core values that are the foundation for our home. Every morning before I head out the door to work, my kids recite these five statements, complete with hand motions.
The Daily Devotional
Aim to be more famous in your home than you are in public so that those who know you best respect you most.