The Daily Devotional
Are You Willing to Suffer?
Do you despise the thought of shame and suffering? In Matthew 16, we see this powerful contrast between the heavy call to discipleship and the weight of Christ’s glory revealed.
The Daily Devotional
Do you despise the thought of shame and suffering? In Matthew 16, we see this powerful contrast between the heavy call to discipleship and the weight of Christ’s glory revealed.
The Daily Devotional
When was the last time you took a step of faith that made you extremely uncomfortable? Unfortunately, many Christians settle into an unhealthy rhythm of comfort. They associate awkward moments or challenging situations as evidence of Satan’s activity and not God working to expand their faith.
The Daily Devotional
How do I know if my love of tradition has gotten in the way of my love for God? In Matthew 15:1, the Pharisees and scribes come to Jesus and say, “Why do your disciples break the tradition of the elders? For they don’t wash their hands when they eat.” Keep in mind...
The Daily Devotional
Is your worship of God the same as it’s always been? When you go to pray, do you repeat the same phrases you’ve always prayed? When you sing, do you mumble the same hymns or praise choruses you’ve always sung?
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever thought about what it would be like to live with unlimited wealth, power, and sexual partners and still hold the highest reputation among your peers? These are the four pillars of the American Dream. They represent the life everyone wants, but few can ever have.
The Daily Devotional
Do you follow Jesus for who he is or what he can do for you? Following his night on the Sea of Galilee, the crowds who witnessed Jesus’ feeding of the 5,000 wake up and realize he is missing. This prompts them to immediately get in their boats to find him, and find him they do.
The Daily Devotional
Do you find it tough to keep focused on Jesus? Such was Peter’s experience. After feeding the 5,000, Jesus retreats to a mountain and likely spends most of the night in prayer.
The Daily Devotional
Where do you turn when you are sad or happy? Many resort to the same source. They veg out on distraction, turn to pleasure, or act out on their lusts.
The Daily Devotional
Do you struggle to find the balance between being shrewd and vulnerable? How we were raised shapes the way we lean.
The Daily Devotional
Do you struggle to approach Jesus because of shame from your past? In the synoptic gospels (Mathew, Mark, and Luke), we see this story of Jairus... On the way to Jairus' house, where Jesus raises his daughter back to life, we have another story sandwiched inside this broader narrative.
The Daily Devotional
How much can you trust God? Psalm 91 is one of the most encouraging passages in Scripture. It “is a prayer-oracle of encouragement to trust God for protection and security.”[1]
The Daily Devotional
What are the marks of a good woman? What are the marks of a good woman? In Proverbs 31:10-31, we have a poem structured like an acrostic, with the beginning of each verse starting with a chronologically different letter of the Hebrew alphabet...