The Daily Devotional
Double Down on the Gospel
How do you share your faith with others? In Acts chapter 26, the Apostle Paul stands before King Agrippa II and the Roman governor Festus in the city of Caesarea.
The Daily Devotional
How do you share your faith with others? In Acts chapter 26, the Apostle Paul stands before King Agrippa II and the Roman governor Festus in the city of Caesarea.
The Daily Devotional
Do you feel distressed and anxious? If so, Psalm 118 offers five words of comfort you should repeat to yourself: “The Lord is for me.”
The Daily Devotional
Does God care about our sex life? The Book of Song of Solomon indicates he does. While some have tried to say the imagery in this book is a metaphor for Christ and his bride, this interpretation creates more problems than it solves.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever been accused by someone of doing something you didn’t do? In Acts 24, the Apostle Paul finds himself in a legal predicament after returning to Jerusalem.
The Daily Devotional
How should you share your personal testimony with others? In Acts 22, the Apostle Paul is in Jerusalem, where he faces a hostile crowd accusing him of teaching against Jewish laws and defiling the temple by associating with Gentiles.
The Daily Devotional
What’s more important than your life and your happiness? For many, this is what it’s all about. But not the Apostle Paul.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever listened to a sermon or Bible study leader and wondered, How do I know that what this person is saying is right? In Acts 17, after encountering hostility and being forced to leave Thessalonica...
The Daily Devotional
Do you make it hard for other Christians to follow Christ? In Acts 16, Paul and Silas are imprisoned when a miracle occurs. The jails are opened, and all the prisoners' bonds are unfastened.
The Daily Devotional
Do you enjoy giving God glory? Psalm 115 contrasts the living God, who is in heaven and does whatever pleases him, with lifeless idols made of silver and gold that cannot see, hear, speak, or walk.
The Daily Devotional
How should you invest what you have? A quick scan of Ecclesiastes 11 seems to indicate it’s nothing more than some tidbits of investment information.
The Daily Devotional
Does opposition overwhelm you? Few people thrive in contentious environments, but sometimes they’re inevitable. The Apostle Paul understood this very well.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever wondered why God rescues some and allows others to die? The early Christian church was under assault from the beginning.