The Daily Devotional
A Powerful Story of Partnership
“A person who knows how to partner with others is like a miner who discovers a rich vein of gold.” - Bekele Shanko
The Daily Devotional
“A person who knows how to partner with others is like a miner who discovers a rich vein of gold.” - Bekele Shanko
The Daily Devotional
Partnership is tricky. It’s more work than running alone. But the long-term personal and collective benefits can be extraordinary.
The Daily Devotional
If you’re a follower of Jesus, keeping a few skeptical people in your life is important.
The Daily Devotional
For every non-believer, the real issue they face is not the doubts they share but a lack of confidence in Christ.
The Daily Devotional
Do you have a skeptic in your life? Someone who seemingly takes one step towards God while taking two steps back? If so, take heart and remember that God is working. Keep praying, keep believing, keep investing.
The Daily Devotional
The wonder of Christ is that he meets doubters where they are at. He looks at the totality of who they are and the insecurities they possess and invites them to experience a deeper union with him. And he expects us to do the same.
The Daily Devotional
Every Christian cannot tackle systemic poverty, racial injustice, women’s rights, abortion, discrimination, and the dozens of other challenges in our world. But we can do our part.
The Daily Devotional
The longer you practice these steps, the larger your world will become and the more like Jesus you will be.
The Daily Devotional
You don’t need to travel far to make a difference. The opportunity to reflect Christ’s love is right in front of you—at work, in your neighborhood, and in your daily routines. The question is, will you take it?
The Daily Devotional
We live in a world where people have vast differences. And as is the case with many, the natural default is to gravitate towards our own group of people.
The Daily Devotional
Jesus did not sit around and wait for disciples to come to him. He went to where they were, offered them an invitation to follow him, evaluated their progress, and then selected them to be his twelve apostles.
The Daily Devotional
Real discipleship isn’t always about getting together with a group of men on Friday morning for breakfast (although it certainly can be). Real discipleship takes place in the micro-decisions of life. It’s a well-timed text, encouraging phone call, and random outing together on the lake.