The Daily Devotional
You Serve a Worthy Champion
Are you tempted to throw up your hands when you read the Book of Revelation? To many everyday Christians, Revelation feels overwhelming, confusing, and like a work of fiction.
The Daily Devotional
Are you tempted to throw up your hands when you read the Book of Revelation? To many everyday Christians, Revelation feels overwhelming, confusing, and like a work of fiction.
The Daily Devotional
If you feel the pressure of life and the weight of following Christ, soak your mind in John’s words in Revelation. Guard against complacency and resolve to stand firm.
The Daily Devotional
God’s people can always trust that he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and great in faithful love. Regardless of how undeserving we feel, God's love and compassion are steadfast. He meets us where we are, not with condemnation but with kindness.
The Daily Devotional
Do you ever get angry with God when he doesn’t act as you’d like? This is the story of Job 29-37.
The Daily Devotional
In a spiritual sense, Christians fall into one of two categories—builders and destroyers. Those who lift others up and those who tear others down. This is a point made in the short Book of Jude.
The Daily Devotional
Do you ever grow tired of walking in truth? 2 John and 3 John are personal letters written by “the elder,” traditionally identified as the Apostle John.
The Daily Devotional
Phony Christians are everywhere. So be discerning today in who you choose to follow. And only follow them so far as they follow Christ.
The Daily Devotional
We’re not shooting for flawless perfection because that is unattainable. We are shooting for consistent, humble obedience and full dependence upon God. These are the marks of someone who loves God.
Is it even possible to be holy? Don't I have to wait until Heaven? The Apostle Peter helps answer these questions.
The Daily Devotional
1 John was possibly written around 90-95 A.D. and is commonly referred to as a general epistle because no specific audience is mentioned in any of these three letters. It’s likely that John, one of the twelve disciples and known as the beloved apostle, is the author.
The Daily Devotional
How do you learn to do God’s will? David teaches us in Psalm 143 that our greatest teacher is God.
The Daily Devotional
Do you feel like you no longer hear from God? Such was Job’s experience over and over again.