The Daily Devotional
How Much Does God Consume Your Thoughts?
Do you think about God often? Unfortunately, many do their best to avoid this thought altogether. Even professing Christians often relegate God to an afterthought.
The Daily Devotional
Do you think about God often? Unfortunately, many do their best to avoid this thought altogether. Even professing Christians often relegate God to an afterthought.
The Daily Devotional
How do you know the difference between working hard and working too much? As someone who had tremendous wealth, King Solomon had much to say on this topic.
The Daily Devotional
Are you a beautiful person? This might seem like a strange question, but it’s one the Prophet Ezekiel addresses in Ezekiel 16.
The Daily Devotional
Have you shared Jesus with someone, but they never came to faith? The prophet Ezekiel certainly knew this reality.
The Daily Devotional
Is it ever right for a preacher or Christian leader to speak about the judgment of God? For many professing Christians today, their natural response is, “No, God is a God of love and not judgment.” But this is often an overcorrection...
The Daily Devotional
What do you do when life doesn’t feel worth living, and all hope seems gone? This was a question the minor prophet Habakkuk faced somewhere around 612 and 605 B.C.
What can one do during hectic times of life? In this episode, Anna McGarrah speaks on caring for the soul during such times.
The Daily Devotional
If you were to edit Scripture, are there any parts you’d want to delete? Ask the casual reader of the Old Testament, and they might well pick the book of Nahum as an example.
The Daily Devotional
Do you struggle to rest in God? As the various psalmists illustrate, there are numerous ways to pray. Sometimes, we whisper; other times, we yell. But as Psalm 62 demonstrates, sometimes the best thing we can do is just be silent.
The Daily Devotional
Am I to blame if my kids don’t love Jesus? This is a tough question, and at first glance, Proverbs 22:6 seems definitive when it says, “Start a youth out on his way; even when he grows old he will not depart from it.”
The Daily Devotional
“What does God want me to do?” Many have asked this question, and thankfully, the Book of Micah gives us some answers.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever put your life at risk for someone you disliked? In a dog-eat-dog world, this kind of thinking is foreign to many, and it certainly felt foreign to the prophet Jonah.