![Your King Has Come](/content/images/size/w600/2024/07/photo-1578925518470-4def7a0f08bb.jpeg)
The Daily Devotional
Your King Has Come
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the state of this world? If so, this is not a new feeling.
The Daily Devotional
Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the state of this world? If so, this is not a new feeling.
The Daily Devotional
Do you have a mountain in your life that just won’t move? You’ve prayed about something for years, and nothing changes. This was certainly the experience of many Jewish people like Zechariah.
The Daily Devotional
What do you do when your life is in chaos? If the pieces of your life are falling apart, the Book of Haggai is a good read.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever felt abandoned by God? It’s likely that many of the Jewish people who were part of the diaspora (scattered people) during Esther's time had this thought.
Have you stopped growing as a Christian? If so, how do you get back on track? Here are three suggestions.
The Daily Devotional
How do you handle pressure situations? In Esther 4, the pressure is on. Esther’s cousin, Mordecai, learns about a man named Haman's decree to annihilate the Jews.
The Daily Devotional
Is it right to pray for the destruction of others? In the Book of Psalms, we see several examples of imprecatory psalms.
The Daily Devotional
Do you struggle with self-promotion? Self-promotion has never been more tempting in an age of platform building and social media.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever felt like you’re living in a godless, hopeless situation? This was certainly the backdrop for the Book of Esther. This book differs from other Old Testament books focusing on exile, such as Daniel and Ezra, in that it does not explicitly mention God...
The Daily Devotional
Does it matter if we read God’s Word silently, or is there something to reading or hearing Scripture read out loud? Because the sixty-six books of the Bible we read today are often neatly bound in one book, it’s easy to forget that Scripture was meant to be spoken.
The Daily Devotional
Do you have a hard time saying no? If you’re a natural people-pleaser, you’ll find this word borderline offensive. However, to follow God, there are times when no is the only appropriate answer.
The Daily Devotional
Do you feel like you’ve stopped growing as a Christian? There are three common reasons this happens. Either Christians stop studying God’s Word, stop obeying what they know is right, or stop sharing what they’ve learned with others.