Invest In Disciples Even When You See Little Return
Being like Jesus and casting to disciples is where our Christian faith starts to come alive.
Being like Jesus and casting to disciples is where our Christian faith starts to come alive.
Discipleship is simply the process of becoming like Christ. And scripture shows us it is not merely a suggestion; it is a command.
Discipleship is coming alongside others and helping them follow Jesus as you follow Jesus.
Close friendships work when two people have a set of shared values and the desire to build a relationship is a two-way street.
Maybe you have not been the leader in your home that you should be. Make the choice today to change.
Close friendships are in short supply, and even if others don’t appreciate your efforts at first, in time, they will, and you will.
True companionship between human beings requires time, effort, and patience. It is not simply a matter of fleeting encounters but of nurturing a relationship that lasts.
Close friendships are more like chapters we pencil into an outline. They are only with us for a season until someone turns the page. Some friendships last for decades–others only a few years.
Several years ago, during a tough season in our lives, Janan and I developed five core values that are the foundation for our home. Every morning before I head out the door to work, my kids recite these five statements, complete with hand motions.
Aim to be more famous in your home than you are in public so that those who know you best respect you most.
"If you two ever find yourself in a conflict you cannot resolve, at least one of you has a problem with your relationship with God.”
Jesus was single and entirely whole. That’s because his completion came not from another human being but from the union with the Holy Spirit and his Heavenly Father.
The Daily Devotional
Invest in light of eternity, giving thanks to God for the family He has given you.
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The opposite of love isn't hate; it's not caring.
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Jesus thought family was important, and he expects us to think the same. We are not to idolize them, but we are to prioritize them.
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Seek him with everything that you do, recognizing that as you do, this will transform not only your relationship with him but your relationship with others.
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When you are in relationship with God, you are enough because he is enough.
To "seek first" is to prioritize our relationship with God above all else. It's recognizing that, like a wheel, God is the hub that holds the spokes of all other relationships.
The Daily Devotional
If God is knowable, the greatest regret we can ever have in life is to not take advantage of this opportunity.
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Our greatest desire in life should be to have a relationship with him so strong that eternity feels like a natural transition.
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Jesus cast his bread in pursuit of relationships. The preacher of Ecclesiastes cast his bread in pursuit of pleasure.
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The major component missing in the preacher’s life was not the quantity of things but the quality of rich relationships.
The Daily Devotional
The reason the preacher of Ecclesiastes lived an unfulfilled life was that he “cast his bread” in pursuit of a hollow return.
Get the big things right. And if you get them right, the rest of your life will fall into place.