The Daily Devotional
How Do We Remain on Mission?
Are you easily distracted and find it challenging to remain focused on what’s most important? Jesus certainly had this temptation.
The Daily Devotional
Are you easily distracted and find it challenging to remain focused on what’s most important? Jesus certainly had this temptation.
The Daily Devotional
What has it cost you to follow Christ? For Simon Peter, the cost was significant.
Do you have a personal testimony? A story of why you believe in Jesus? This is my story.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever felt rejected? Jesus certainly did. In Luke 4:18-19, Jesus enters the synagogue on the Sabbath day, opens a scroll, and quotes from Isaiah 61:1-2, saying...
The Daily Devotional
Why is Ezra Byer a Christian? For almost all of this devotional series, I’ve avoided writing about myself in the first person, but I thought it might be helpful to pause for one day and share why I am a follower of Christ.
The Daily Devotional
Are you, by nature, a stubborn person? While some stubbornness can be good, stubbornness in our relationship with God will quickly throw us off course.
The Daily Devotional
Are you rich? You might not feel like it, but keeping in mind that over 700 million people live on less than $2 a day, 99% of the world’s population make less than $34,000 a year...
The Daily Devotional
Why is John 3:16 the most quoted verse in all of Scripture? For starters, it summarizes the essence of the gospel in a few short words. “For God loved the world in this way: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.”
The Daily Devotional
Why would Jesus turn water into wine with his first miracle? On the surface, it seems strange that this would be the first miracle Jesus would perform in place of healing the sick or raising the dead.
The Daily Devotional
Do you ever practice the discipline of fasting? Jesus did and expected his followers to do the same. In fact, it was after a time of fasting that Jesus experienced his greatest form of testing.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever wondered why Jesus was baptized by John? It seems odd today, and it’s clear from his reaction that it felt a little odd to John as well.
Do you feel like God is nowhere to be found? Do you trust God, but feel like your emotions are two steps behind? If so, this post is for you.