TMCP 182: Russell Joyce on Ministering Out of Brokenness
How can one's brokenness bring more love to others? In this episode, Russell Joyce is back to discuss this and more.
How can one's brokenness bring more love to others? In this episode, Russell Joyce is back to discuss this and more.
The Daily Devotional
Are you easily frustrated with God’s timetable? Do you naturally complain about his absence and grumble about how he’s disappointed you? Or is your default instinct to say something positive? Psalm 89 offers a helpful guide.
The Daily Devotional
Do you love animals? If so, you resonate with the 66% of American homes that have a pet.[1] While it’s easy to either overemphasize our love for animals or want nothing to do with them, scripture offers a different way.
The Daily Devotional
Do you naturally judge others? When you walk into a room of people, do you constantly evaluate and scrutinize? Does your mind gravitate toward the “negative” ways people dress, act, or speak?
The Daily Devotional
Are you worried today? In Matthew 6, we see the continued words of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. After some wise instruction about prayer, fasting, and storing up treasures in Heaven, Jesus shifts to the topic of worry.
The Daily Devotional
Do you feel the brokenness of this world? It’s all around us. Directly after giving the list of beatitudes, we read in Matthew 5:1-12 that Jesus shifts the conversation and addresses how kingdom living is much different than just keeping a set of laws.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever wondered what the Beatitudes of Jesus are really all about? Matthew and Luke provide different lists of these beatitudes, with Matthew sharing nine and Luke only listing four.
Russell W. Joyce is the director of Foursquare Multiply, the church planting movement of the Foursquare denomination for the United States, while also serving as lead pastor of Faith Center, a historic church in the Foursquare movement. In 2017 he planted a church in Brooklyn, New York, with the Hope
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever paused and considered what annoys or upsets you the most? Most Christians have two or three things that really get under their skin, and the religious leaders in Jesus’ day were no exception.
The Daily Devotional
How much of your day do you think about being with God? As Christians, we know we should spend time with God. But just because we know this doesn’t mean we live like this.
The Daily Devotional
What does the statement “Where there is no vision, the people perish” mean? This version of Proverbs 29:18 comes from the KJV translation. Unfortunately, in an age of mission and vision statements, many Christian business leaders have latched on to this statement...
The Daily Devotional
Are you constantly working and never resting? Do you find yourself constantly distracted or focused on doing the next task? Do you run from silence and always opt for activity? If so, John 5 is a must-read.