Imagine If Eternity Felt Like a Natural Transition
Our greatest desire in life should be to have a relationship with him so strong that eternity feels like a natural transition.

Using our imagery of a breadcaster, or investor, picture yourself today on the shores of a metaphorical seaside village.
Lining the harbor are ships of opportunity that await your investment. The options you have are simple. You can hoard all you have, store it in the bank for a rainy day, and never see a return. Or you can look at what you have and carefully invest your bread (Beliefs, Resources, Energy, Affections, and Dedication) in those ships that offer the greatest chance of lasting value.
Like the merchant in Ecclesiastes 11, each of us holds a bagful of bread. It might not seem like much, but it’s all we have. We can either use what we have to position ourselves in this world better or switch and go all-in to invest in those relationships that matter.
Writing your life story with relationships as the centerpiece starts with a choice. It’s messy and leaves the door open to be hurt. It also increases the variables in your return.
However, in the words of nineteenth-century philosopher William Shedd, “A ship in a harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for.” You were created to breadcast. You were created to invest. The key is to invest what you have into the lives of those relationships that are most important.
So, what is the most important relationship?