How Do I Make Meaningful Progress as a Christian?
Don’t buy into the myth that you can’t change. You can. And the beautiful news is that God’s work in you is ongoing.
Have you ever met a person who has worked thirty years in an industry performing the same basic tasks they always have? They’ve worked for three decades, but they don’t have three decades of experience. They’ve had one year of experience, which they’ve replicated thirty times.
This is kind of like me with guitar playing. I’ve “played” the guitar for ten years, but I’m not much better than when I started. I keep saying I'll get day...
Some Christians take this same approach to spiritual formation. They’ve been Christians for a long time, but not much has changed. They still get angry when their coworkers don’t perform, yell at their kids, and spend way too much time worrying about things they can’t control.
Maybe this is your story. You want to make progress, but the whole "becoming more like Christ" thing feels overwhelming or just plain old tiring. So you settle, thinking to yourself, one day I will take this more seriously.
Thankfully, 2025 can be your year of breakthrough. What's the secret?