Five Core Values That Have Shaped My Home

Several years ago, during a tough season in our lives, Janan and I developed five core values that are the foundation for our home. Every morning before I head out the door to work, my kids recite these five statements, complete with hand motions.

Five Core Values That Have Shaped My Home

To recap, over the past two weeks, we’ve looked at what it means to be a real “Breadcaster” and build our life around investing in relationships rather than projects, accomplishments, and temporary pursuits.

Rather than following the path of the preacher of Ecclesiastes, we've been looking at the example set by Jesus and how he cast his bread and invested in seven key relationships.

We started with our relationship with God, and today, we’re wrapping up our posts on family. From firsthand experience, I can attest that marriage and raising a family are wonderful, sacred joys. But they also reflect a deeper union to come.

Thus, the goal of casting our bread into our family isn’t to create a mini kingdom where our home becomes our castle and we care little for those outside. Rather, the goal is to look at the bread we’ve been given, recognize our benefits and limitations, and do all we can to cast it into the lives of family members as Christ intended.

But how do you do this?