Do You Isolate Yourself?
Is being around others tough? With nearly one out of four US adults feeling lonely,[1] it’s no secret that the tendency to hide behind screens and isolate is now more tempting than ever.

Is being around others tough? With nearly one out of four US adults feeling lonely,[1] it’s no secret that the tendency to hide behind screens and isolate is now more tempting than ever.
You don’t need to travel far to make a difference. The opportunity to reflect Christ’s love is right in front of you—at work, in your neighborhood, and in your daily routines. The question is, will you take it?
We live in a world where people have vast differences. And as is the case with many, the natural default is to gravitate towards our own group of people.
Jesus did not sit around and wait for disciples to come to him. He went to where they were, offered them an invitation to follow him, evaluated their progress, and then selected them to be his twelve apostles.
Real discipleship isn’t always about getting together with a group of men on Friday morning for breakfast (although it certainly can be). Real discipleship takes place in the micro-decisions of life. It’s a well-timed text, encouraging phone call, and random outing together on the lake.