The Daily Devotional
Your Greatest Testimony Will Likely Come From Your Greatest Suffering (1 Peter 3-5)
Are you suffering today? This was a reality those in the early church knew well.
The Daily Devotional
Are you suffering today? This was a reality those in the early church knew well.
The Daily Devotional
Is Christlikeness even possible, or is it a mythical pursuit? Like James, one of the primary purposes of 1 Peter was to encourage believers to remain steadfast in their faith while enduring persecution.
The Daily Devotional
If you’re struggling to wait and long for Christ’s return, commit to being a person of prayer and keeping a cheerful spirit. Don’t allow circumstances and the pain of life to steal your joy.
Are you careful about what you say? Even if you are, here are some thoughts to consider.
The Daily Devotional
Do you ever pause and think how much power your words have on others? In James 3, James singles out those who teach.
The Daily Devotional
How often do you think about evil? One of the challenges of Western Christianity is either an odd fascination with or a deemphasis of evil.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever felt like everyone is against you? Friends, family, and co-workers seem to all be conspiring against you—leaving you feeling hopeless and discouraged. This was certainly an emotion Job experienced.
The Daily Devotional
Are you going through an intense trial? If so, the Book of James is just the book you need.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever wondered why Paul or Jesus never explicitly condemned all forms of slavery? Case in point, the Book of Philemon is a personal letter from Paul to Philemon, a leader in the Colossian church.
The Daily Devotional
Are you a “rule keeper” or more of a “free spirit”? The primary purpose of the Book of Titus was to guide Titus, a young leader left by Paul in Crete, to organize and strengthen the church.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever thought about what makes the Bible different from other books? While nearly every Christian admits there is something unique about Scripture, many struggle to see how it applies to their lives.
Are you tired and feeling worn down by life? If so, here are a few encouraging thoughts!