The Daily Devotional
Why Drifting from Jesus is Easy (Hebrews 2)
Just as the children of Israel rejected God time after time, it’s possible for us to do the same. Apart from God’s grace, drifting is our natural default.
The Daily Devotional
Just as the children of Israel rejected God time after time, it’s possible for us to do the same. Apart from God’s grace, drifting is our natural default.
The Daily Devotional
Many have settled for having Jesus as their assistant. “Jesus, help me do this” or “Jesus, help me get that.” But Jesus is so much more and it’s only as we understand this that we realize our overwhelming need for him.
The Daily Devotional
Before continuing in Genesis and the rest of the First Testament, it might be good to pause and understand the differences between how God used to speak to his people and how he speaks to them today. This takes us to the Book of Hebrews.
Why do we have so many languages, cultural differences, and world religions? This wasn’t the way God intended humanity to live. From the start of earth, there was to be diversity in creation but uniformity in mission.
The Daily Devotional
The story of The Great Flood in Genesis 6-9 is one of the most challenging passages in all of Scripture. Here, we have the same God who created a world he called “good,” now unleashing total destruction.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever felt like everything in your life was wrong because of your poor choices? The psalmist David was undoubtedly someone who felt this way.
The Daily Devotional
Many Christians believe in Christ but struggle with wisdom and discernment. Thus, when tough judgment calls or relational conflicts emerge, they’re caught flatfooted. The reason we need wisdom is that some answers to the challenges of our day aren’t black and white. They’re gray and nuanced.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever felt like the whole world was going to hell? There was a point in history where this was more than a trite saying.
The Daily Devotional
In Genesis 2, God created a perfect world but gave humans the free will capacity to sin. In Genesis 3, Eve takes advantage of this and with Adam looking over her shoulder she gives into the temptations of an evil snake.
The Daily Devotional
Ephesians 1:4 says Christ “chose us in him, before the foundation of the world, to be holy and blameless in love before him.” This was and remains God’s desire for his creation. He wants us to align with who we were created to be and to completely trust him in every area of our lives.
The Daily Devotional
In a moment of time, a sinless and perfect God became the very form he had created. By doing so, Jesus did not merely appear to be human. He became human.
The Daily Devotional
In Genesis 1, we see the foundation for all of Scripture. God is our creator. We were made in his image. And our responsibility is to steward all we’ve been given.