Do You Walk too Fast and Make It Tough for Other Christians to Keep Up?
The stronger we become as Christians, the more tempting it is to run at a pace that others cannot keep up. So what do we do about this? Romans 15 has some answers.
The stronger we become as Christians, the more tempting it is to run at a pace that others cannot keep up. So what do we do about this? Romans 15 has some answers.
The Daily Devotional
Where do you turn to for help? Psalm 121 is a psalm of ascent. A Psalm of Ascent refers to a group of psalms, specifically from Psalm 120 to Psalm 134.
The Daily Devotional
Have you ever been rejected by someone you loved? In Song of Solomon 5, we see the continued theme of sexual intimacy, this time in the context of a bride who is lying in bed waiting for her husband to return.
The Daily Devotional
Are you a strong Christian? If so, that’s a good thing. But it comes with some parameters.
The Daily Devotional
How do you handle “weaker Christians”? In Romans 14, Paul answers this question. Here, Paul encourages believers to avoid judging one another over personal convictions, especially in matters of diet and observance of special days.
The Daily Devotional
What does it mean to be fully surrendered to Jesus? In Romans 11, Paul explores God’s plan for both Israel and the Gentiles. He explains that while many Israelites have rejected Christ, their rejection is not final.
The Daily Devotional
Do you struggle with terms like foreknowledge, predestination, and election? While these words might sound intimidating, they’re critical concepts to understand because they give a unique insight into the heart of God.
Are Christians always expected to sin in word, thought, and deed? Is Romans 7 living as good as it gets? Here are some thoughts!
The Daily Devotional
Do Christians continually have to sin? Romans 7:14-25 provides a striking reflection on the human struggle with sin. In these verses, Paul portrays the tension between the desire to do good and the frustrating reality of falling short.
The Daily Devotional
What comes to mind when you think of the law of God? Many might say “constricting.” It limits our fun and enjoyment of life. Or, slightly more positively, it’s a “necessary evil” to keep us from hurting ourselves.
The Daily Devotional
Does physical attraction matter in a marriage relationship? To some Christians, this question sounds bizarre. After all, isn’t internal beauty the only thing that counts? Song of Solomon 4 gives us a different perspective.
The Daily Devotional
How do you refer to yourself as a Christian? Many believers refer to themselves as “saved sinners,” but the Apostle Paul wouldn’t have favored this type of language. For Paul, the thought of continuing in sin was appalling.