The Daily Devotional
How Do You Calm Your Soul? (Psalm 129-131)
To calm our souls, we must recognize our natural standing with God. We are his children who are utterly dependent on him for sustenance and strength.
The Daily Devotional
To calm our souls, we must recognize our natural standing with God. We are his children who are utterly dependent on him for sustenance and strength.
The Daily Devotional
How should you respond when your friends accuse you rather than comfort you?
The Daily Devotional
Paul’s point to the Galatians is simple: Stop trying to earn what you never can.
The Daily Devotional
Because of the sin of one man, Adam, death came into the world. The result of this death is the curse of sin rests upon every human today. We are bent with an inclination to live selfishly and independently from God.
The Daily Devotional
Maybe the very pain you resent is God’s means of purification in your life and the very thing he is using to keep you more dependent on him.
The Daily Devotional
Paul doesn’t issue a command, but he does suggest that our generosity can be a test of our love.
The Daily Devotional
Rather than leaning into your hurt feelings and justifying your actions, you should remember the words of Proverbs 12:1 and love discipline rather than resent it.
Are you worked up about this year's election? If so, read this challenge before you start this politically charged week.
The Daily Devotional
The real beauty of this psalm is that it emphasizes the futility of human efforts without God's blessing and involvement.
The Daily Devotional
Job should cause you to question both your understanding of suffering and your response to suffering.
The Daily Devotional
As we embrace our weakness, God fills us with his power so that his power is manifested through us.
The Daily Devotional
Are you feeling hurt and discouraged today? If so, Paul’s words in 2 Corinthians 1 will be a timely relief. The background from 2 Corinthians involves ongoing tensions between Paul and some church members who questioned his authority and teachings.