Are You a Generous Person? (2 Corinthians 8-10)

Paul doesn’t issue a command, but he does suggest that our generosity can be a test of our love.

Are You a Generous Person? (2 Corinthians 8-10)

2 Corinthians 8-10

Today's Scripture Passage

A Few Thoughts to Consider

Do you struggle to give to others?

In 2 Corinthians 8, Paul lists the Macedonian believers as examples of model givers. These believers from places like Philippi, Thessalonica, and Berea had experienced severe hardship and economic struggle. The region had been plundered by wars and was heavily taxed by Roman authorities.

Despite this, Paul shares how they were a model for generosity. In Verse 2, he says, “During a severe trial brought about by affliction, their abundant joy and their extreme poverty overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part.” The people had next to nothing to give, yet they did so with incredible joy and freedom. Their giving wasn’t driven by guilt or obligation but by a deep-seated desire to help others, even if it cost them dearly.

Paul emphasizes that the Macedonians didn’t just give what they could spare. He notes in Verse 3, “I can testify that, according to their ability and even beyond their ability, of their own accord, they begged us earnestly for the privilege of sharing in the ministry to the saints.” The Macedonians didn’t wait to be asked, nor did they hold back until they were financially stable. They saw giving as a grace, a privilege they didn’t want to miss. This generosity was above and beyond because it didn’t come from a place of abundance but a place of trust in God. They knew that giving would stretch them, but they embraced it eagerly.

Paul also points out in Verse 5 that the Macedonians “gave themselves first to the Lord and then to us by God’s will.” Paul wasn’t interested in pressuring people to contribute out of duty. Instead, he wanted them to experience the transformative power of knowing Christ. He knew that when people are filled with the Holy Spirit and aligned with God’s heart, the desire to give and serve others will flow out of them naturally.

In Verse 7, Paul challenges the Corinthians not just to give but to excel in it. He writes, “Now as you excel in everything — in faith, speech, knowledge, and in all diligence, and in your love for us — excel also in this act of grace.” Generosity, like faith or knowledge, is something that can be developed.  

Interestingly, Paul doesn’t issue a command, but he does suggest that our generosity can be a test of our love. He says in Verse 8, “I am not saying this as a command; rather, by means of the diligence of others, I am testing the genuineness of your love.” Giving should never feel like a mere duty or obligation. If it does, we risk missing out on the true joy of generosity. Instead, Paul suggests that giving reveals the depth of our love for God and others. When we give from love, our actions become a genuine expression of our faith, not a reluctant response to social pressure.