The Daily Devotional
What Is the Primary Blessing of Fasting?
Fasting weakens the flesh, strengthening our spirits to resist temptation and see reality as God sees it.
The Daily Devotional
Fasting weakens the flesh, strengthening our spirits to resist temptation and see reality as God sees it.
The Daily Devotional
God doesn’t just call you to prayer; He wants to meet you in prayer.
The Daily Devotional
Sunday Christians often avoid meditation because they fear it makes them too vulnerable, bringing them face-to-face with their deepest thoughts. Monday Christians run toward meditation, for it’s in this discipline that they experience a higher enjoyment of God and see life as it really is.
The Daily Devotional
Spiritual disciplines slow us down so that we can walk at the speed of God. They require hard work on the front end but produce a higher level of enjoyment in God in the long run. While they might seem like an added burden, they’re actually a wonderful blessing.
While many Christians equate obedience to God with love for him, the totality of Scripture reveals that what God really wants from us is our hearts.
The Daily Devotional
When we only seek God’s hand, we grow self-centered and materialistic and lose sight of the character-forming process God is working in our lives. We reveal that what we really want from God is not more of him but more of what he can do.
The Daily Devotional
Don’t buy into the myth that you can’t change. You can. And the beautiful news is that God’s work in you is ongoing.
God doesn’t just call you to prayer; He wants to meet you in prayer.
Spiritual disciplines slow us down so that we can walk at the speed of God. They require hard work on the front end but produce a higher level of enjoyment in God in the long run. While they might seem like an added burden, they’re actually a wonderful blessing.
Don’t buy into the myth that you can’t change. You can. And the beautiful news is that God’s work in you is ongoing.
When we’re highly judgy of others, we betray the fact that we do not grasp the depth of God’s love for us.
Turning Sunday Belief Into Monday Action
When we’re highly judgy of others, we betray the fact that we do not grasp the depth of God’s love for us.
Love isn’t one thing. It’s an all-encompassing mindset that seeks to see life from the vantage point of others and desire their best interests.
While many Christians equate obedience to God with love for him, the totality of Scripture reveals that what God really wants from us is our hearts.
Sunday Christians are content to be "bad Christians," and this gives them a pass to stop growing. Monday Christians strive to be "good Christians"– not based on their goodness, but based on living in close proximity to Christ so that his goodness shines through them to others.
How much do you love God? Not, how much are you doing for God? Not, how hard are you working to earn his approval? But how much do you love him?
When you read Scripture as one rakes for leaves, you accumulate information to suit your own internal biases. Don’t do this. Instead, read to allow the God-breathed Holy Spirit-inspired text to transform your life.
It’s one thing to follow Christ for a day, a week, or even a few years. It's another thing to walk with him for a lifetime.
Don't just walk your Christian journey in isolation. Be part of this online TMC community.
I don't want to waste my life on petty personal projects, petty goals, and petty thinking. I want to build great relationships, work on meaningful projects, and get to know God in a way I hadn't known him before.
The most important thing you can do to prepare yourself for Christ’s return is to get to know him as much as possible.
God doesn’t need anything you have to offer him, but he does invite you to walk in loving relationship with him. So make that your aim today. Less doing to prove your worth to others and more loving as one who has been and remains deeply loved.
Job’s story teaches us that it’s easy to lose all perspective, especially when we’re in pain. It’s especially difficult when those we love seem to be siding against us. Life just keeps getting harder and harder, and God keeps getting farther and farther away.